Enter time for event. HH:MM Thank you for selecting = SPITFIRE will run only after you enter the name (your name)> that you want to appear as the SYSOP of your Bulletin Board. SYSOP NAME: All comments and messages left for the Sysop will be addressed> to the name you will enter now. It is imperative for you to: log on with this name in order to receive your messages. SYSOP CALLER NAME: 2 The following requested information is required.U Alter which [1..5]? 12345Q Enter security: Another? [Y/n] U Enter Serial Port Enter System Baud RateU F=` u Enter Pre-Init String: U Enter: Initializing modem... Initialization unsucessful.U Enter Error Correction Message: U Enter Ring Number> Enter Delay Number % Serial Port No................. :% System Baud Rate............... :%

Pre-Initialization String...... :% Initialization String.......... := Modem - Error Correction Type.. : <1> Line COM1.. := Error Correction Message....... : <2> Line COM2.. := Hardware Data Flow Control..... : <3> Line COM3.. := Answer On What Ring............ : <4> Line COM4.. :% Display Result Messages........ :% Disconnect Delay............... :% Use High Speed Async Routines.. :% Baud Rate Requirement.......... :% Break Length..(1000=1 Second).. :U SPITFIRE NODE ASYNC CONFIGURATION Enter Command or uit - 1234SBIMEHADCURLPQ Enter IRQ Enter Minimum Baud Rate Enter Break LengthU <1rd<4w` } Work Files Path.............. :$ Message Files Path........... :$ Display Files Path........... :$ External Transfer Path....... :U SPITFIRE FILE PATHS ENTER COMMAND [... Quit]: ABCDQ # US Phone Number Style........ :# Log On - Message Statistics.. :# Log On - New File Statistics. :# Require New Caller Birthdate. :# New Caller Default Protocol.. :# File Description Conversion.. :# Type Of BBS.................. :# Graphics..................... :# Second Password.............. :# Direct Screen Writes......... :# Uploaded By Description...... :# Password Failure Comment..... :# Require Door Return Password. :# Scan All Msg Conferences..... :# Comprehensive Upload Search.. :#

Color Monitor................ :# Test Files Upon Boot......... :# Search CD Rom Area SFFILES... :U Toggle SPITFIRE Switches Private BBS Public BBS Ansi Available No Ansi Second Password Required One Password ENTER COMMAND [... Quit]: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS Enter new name: U Enter new password: U Enter new startdate: U Enter Upload Time Ratio: U # Sysop Caller Name............ :# Sysop Security............... :# New Caller Security.......... :# New Caller Log On Time....... :# No Activity Time Limit....... :# Daily Time Limit............. :# Log On Time Limit............ :# Maximum Callers In Database.. :# Maximum Caller Daily Access.. :# # Of Callers................. :# # Of File Description Lines.. :# Upload Time Compensation..... :# Drop To DOS Password......... :# BBS Starting Date............ :# Sysop Name................... :#

Node Number.................. :# Private BBS Security Level... :# Total Number Of Nodes........ :# U/D Ratio Violation Security. :# Upload Disk Space Requirement :U SPITFIRE CONFIGURATION ENTER COMMAND [... Quit]: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU Enter New Security Enter Time Limit Enter Time Limit [3..9] Enter Number Of Users Enter Call Limit Enter Caller Number-Enter Amount Of File Description Lines [1..4] Enter Node Number Enter Private BBS Security Enter Total Number Of Nodes"Enter U/D Ratio Violation Security#Enter Upload Disk Space RequirementU S>>> RECORD [ ] FILE SYSTEM RECORD MENU <<<......... Area Description .............. Upload PathC............ Download Path ............ Area SecurityC<@>.............. Area Access ............ Record NumberC............. Add New Area .......... Insert New AreaC

............... Purge Area ...... Toggle Preview AreaC<+>................ Next Area <->............ Previous AreaC.............. CD Rom Area <$>......... Search File AreaC.... No Charge (FREE) Area <&>.... Privileged Securities;ENTER COMMAND - [F U D S & R A I P T + - C $ N & uit ]? +-FUDS@RAIPTC$N&Q +SPITFIRE requires at least one active area.U 2Restructuring the message base. Please stand by...U Enter Description: U Enter Security: U Enter Amount Of Days: U Enter Number Of Lines [10..99]: +Enter message conference number to update: There is no such conference.U Enter Net ID Name: U Untitled Message ConferenceU 5The maximum number of conferences are already active.U SFMCONF.DAT SFMCONF.$$$U Delete which conference? .LMRU Insert before which conference? .LMRU "The message base cannot be altered while other nodes are busy. Conference Description.. : " Msg Conference Access... : Equal To Caller Security(Equal To Or Greater Than Caller Security Public Messages Only.... : Read Only Conference.... : Conference Security..... : Net-Mail Conference..... : Maximum Msg Length...... : Purge Msgs Older Than... : days Caller Msg Deletion..... : Purge Unreceived Msg.... : Purge Old Thread Msg.... : Net ID Name............. : Allow Message Routing... : Privileged Securities... : >>>> RECORD [ Of !] MESSAGE SYSTEM RECORD MENU <<<.......... Net-Mail Toggle ... Conference DescriptionC...... Conference Security <@>........ Conference AccessC<#>............ Record Number ........... Add New RecordC

..... Public Messages Only ...... Caller Msg DeletionC.... Insert New Conference ........ Delete ConferenceC........ Old Message Purge ..... Unreceived Msg PurgeC<+>.......... Next Conference <->...... Previous ConferenceC..... Purge Old Thread Msg ....... Maximum Msg LengthC.... Allow Message Routing <*>..... Read Only ConferenceC.............. Net ID Name <&>.... Privileged SecuritiesCENTER COMMAND - [N M S @ # R A P C I D O U + - T L * ! & uit ]? +-NMS@#RAPCIDOUTL*!&Q 1SPITFIRE requires at least one active conference.5The maximum number of conferences are already active.U Z<*u9 !, you are not allowed to pack the+caller database while other nodes are busy. Pack caller database? [Y/n] 0Would you like to purge inactive callers? [Y/n] 4Purge callers who haven't called for how many days? Working! Please stand by...U Sorry, already exists.U Enter first name: Enter last name: U Enter Password: U Enter Birth Date [MM-DD-YY]: U Enter New Date: U Enter Phone NumberU $umber Of Files, ytes, uit? Enter New Number Enter K-BytesU Enter New AmountU (umber Of Msgs, onference, uit? Enter NewU Enter New Security: U Enter New Subscription Date: MM-DD-YY 00:00U #Enter record number to update: [1.. There is no such record.U Name...... : Subscription.. : Address... : Last File Area : Password.. : **** Msg Conference : Phone No.. : Security Level : Birth date : K Uploaded.... : Time Left. : K Downloaded.. : Last Call. : Expert Mode... : Times On.. : More Prompt... : Uploads... : Downloads..... : Msgs Left. : Original Log.. : Unknown Marked for deletion. Locked Out. Purge Allowed. : >>>> RECORD [ Of "] SPITFIRE CALLER RECORD MENU <<< Next Record <-> Previous Record Downloads@ Caller Name Expert UploadsH Caller Address <&> Delete Caller Change Msg DataG

Caller Password Lock Caller Out Last File AreaB<#> Caller Phone No Times On Time LeftD Record Number Enter Subscription Date <$> More PromptC Find Caller Security Level Birth DateF Original Log Date <@> Add New Caller Purge AllowedKENTER COMMAND - [+ - D N X U A & E P L C # T ! R M $ F S B O @ Z uit ]? U Unable to find SFUSERS.DAT. +-N$#&!APRQDLTMXSFUBECO@Z iew, hange, uit? Password=U (>>>>>>> EVENT <<<<<<<<< Message Base Pack Schedule. Event " " is active. " has been completed today. Time of event... : Day of event.... : Each Day. SunMonTueWedThrFriSat On time event... : Which Event? [A..M] -Event M is utilized to pack the message base. Are you sure? [Y/n] Event has been disabled. is not active.U >>>>>>>> EVENTS MENU <<<<<<<<............ List An Event .......... Enable An EventC......... Disable An Event ..................... QuitC<+>............... Next Event <->............Previous Event ........ Goodbye & Log Off +-LEDQG +-LEDQ EVENTS MENU - [L E D Q + - >>> FILE REMOVAL MENU <<< .... Erase CALLERS.LOG ... Erase HEYSYSOP.LOG ... Erase SFPURGED.USR .... Erase SFUSERS.$?? ................. Quit!FILE REMOVAL MENU - [C H S U Q]? CHSUQ Delete CALLERS.LOG? [y/N] Delete HEYSYSOP.LOG? [y/N] Delete SFPURGED.USR? [y/N] SFPURGED.USR SFUSERS.$?? Erased No files erased.U -Sorry, this feature can only be used locally. Print to isk,

rinter, uit? There is not enough disk space! SFUSERS.LST SFUSERS.DAT Unable to access SFUSERS.DAT. Creating Press ESC to abort. SPITFIRE CALLER DATABASE - $ ) . 7 ? K ^ r w 4 A K W _ j !$!,!1!6!;!F!X!]!b!g!o!~! %0%5%:%E%W%\%a%l%~% &$&/&A&F&K&V&h&m&r&}& '+'0'5'@'R'W'\'g'y'~' 'T(j(s(}( )5)K)a)z) *!*&*:*?*D*I*T*j* +,+1+6+;+C+R+^+h+m+~+ ,&,8,=,B,S,e,o,t, -#-O-T-b-j-r-z- .>.S.y. /4/F/K/P/d/t/ 0>043<3G3Y3^3c3n3 4!4&414C4H4M4X4j4o4t4 5-52575B5T5Y5^5i5{5 6!6,6>6C6H6Z8p8y8 9#9(9-929=9Q9V9[9`9k9 :%:9:>:C:H:S:g:l:q:v: ;1;6;;;L;^;c;h;m;x; MNM^McMhMxM N*N4NINzN O(O-O4O9OCOTOYOcOkOuO O3P8P_P Q4QuQzQ R"R'R>RCRVRoR|R S SHSQS^SrS SHTMTZTcT V$V)V6VJVdV VpFphprpwp q)q.qEqJqTqYqyq r>rOrcr}r s"s,s6sDsls t#t1t6t\tmt t.u?uJuVufupuuu}u v v>vVvev wjwrw y"y'yByHy_y z'z0z zA{J{W{d{o{ }%}3}8}F}K}e} ~-~2~k~u~ BBSNAME.DATU .LMRU .LMRU SFMCONF.DATU &Send this message via net-mail? [Y/n] &Purge message after it is sent? [y/N] ,Would you like to route this message? [y/N] Enter routing number or name: Save to which Conference? < ENTER > = Current Conference <#>, ist, uit: Mark as public message? [ y/N] Y/n] )All messages left in Message Conference # are marked as public.U Subject: U Read only conference. All messages are marked public. Non-Public messages are allowed. Net-Mail ConferenceU MGLST SFMCONF.DAT%MESSAGE CONFERENCES AVAILABLE TO YOU. Message Conference # &You can't leave a message to yourself. is marked as deleted.! has been locked out of this BBS. This message is already being sent to Saving to message conference < ENTER > = "All Callers" Message to: Sysop 's message queue does not include message conference # 's security level does not$allow access to message conference # Carbon copy # , does not call this BBS. Message does not call this BBS. Try again? [Y/n] Replying to message number 6, would you like to change the message subject? [y/N] Message Entering message reply to .0, sorry but you can't leave a comment right now. Entering comment to Comment Its_A_Comment0Sorry, there is not enough disk space available. < CTRL+F > = Import file.+< CTRL+Q > = Review/Quote original message. [< Line Maximum] - Enter your message now - < ENTER > to quit. < ENTER > = Resume message'Enter line(s) to quote: [Example 5..8] Quote to line #Enter path+name of file to import: SFMSG.TXT 2ave dit bort ontinue egin Again5eplace Line ist nsert Line elete Line #Enter Command [S E A C B R L I D]? SELACRIDB Enter Line Number To Edit [1.. 1 , you cannot edit a quoted line..Old portion to replace;New replacement portion Sorry, too many characters.,Sorry but the old portion couldn't be found. , there is no such line. , there is nothing to save. Continue your message...", you have used the maximum lines.%Clear message and begin again? [y/N] "Message cleared.... Begin again... , there is nothing to list. Line Number To Delete [1- , line has been deleted. , there is no line to delete. Enter line number to replace [1- Old line number Enter new line: , there isn't a line to replace. Insert before line number [1- New Line:", no lines exist for an insertion. Abort this message? [Y/n] , you have 3 lines left. Unable to save comment. message. Saving comment addressed to Carbon copy addressed to Saving message # addressed to Message # to be sent via net-mail. Message aborted.U '43 ~ >43c~ 1Delete which message conference from your queue? =, you are required to have conference number 1 in your queue. , conference number " has been deleted from your queue. is not in your queue.U >43 ~ >43c~ SFMCONF.DAT Message Conference # &The above listed Message Conference(s)$are presently in your Message Queue.(Do you wish to change your queue? [Y/n] >>>> MESSAGE QUEUE MENU <<<.......... Add A Conference ........ Current Queue List?....... Delete A Conference ... Include All Conferences?...... List Msg Conferences .... Remove All Conferences?........ Select Conferences ...... Quit To Message Menu Current MESSAGE CONFERENCE is # "(MESSAGE QUEUE MENU - [A C D I L R S Q]? ACDILRSQ-Include all conferences in your queue? [Y/n] .Remove all conferences from your queue? [Y/n] U Y = Last message read: , there is no such message.(, these messages in message conference # are available to you.7, the following message(s) are marked as non-public... Message No. was left on To....... : From..... : Subject... : Message Thread), there are no messages available to you.U %Unable to scan messages at this time. , there are no messages to scan. , you last read message number Starting with message [1..$] or < ENTER > = Last message read: , there is no such message.(, these messages in message conference # are available to you.GMESSAGE # MESSAGE SUBJECT DATE TIME Message # ), there are no messages available to you.U -6 key word maximum. Example: SF;SPITFIRE;v3.3 Enter Key Word(s): U Continue search? [Y/n] U &Unable to perform search at this time.", there are no messages to search. Number of messages [1.. ] Start search at message number: , there is no such message. Scanning message conference # , please stand by. , the text could not be found. , the text was found times. time.U .IDXU .IDXU .IDXU , there is no such message. Message number is now undeleted.U Deleting message number , please wait. Message number is now deleted.U , there is no such message.$, you can not delete message number Loading message conference # Please stand by... .IDXU to list, uit? ), you are already in Message Conference # Read Msg Conference # - " "? [Y/n] 8, there is only one message conference available to you.U Address Message # to "All Callers"? [Y/n] , message number is now public. , that is an invalid command.U Enter Command: [N QN Read <1.. <-> Previous onstop eply elete nter A Message xit Message Thread < ENTER > = Next ollow Thread

ublic ndelete X port opy uit Q]? U Copy to which conference? [1.. Currently addressed to Change? [y/N] < ENTER > = "All Callers" Message to: .DATU 7, do you wish to review the message statistics? [Y/n]? Reviewing queued& message conferences, please stand by. Message conference #$>>>>> MESSAGE QUEUE STATISTICS <<<<o You rom You oth uit Enter Choice - [T F B Q]? TFBQ%Read received messages to you? [Y/n] , you have no messages.U Passing message(s) ... Its_A_Comment Comment No. Message No. was left on To....... : From..... : Subject.. : CARBON COPY OF MESSAGE To........ : Message Conference # )It appears the message base is corrupted. Your Sysop has been notified. ", your security does not allow you access to thread message # ), do you wish to preview messages? [y/N] , you last read message number in conference # Enter message # [1..$] or < ENTER > = last message read: , there is no such message. Scanning for comments... Message No. has been received.$Do you wish to delete it now? [y/N] , you have minutes left on system. READING YOUR MESSAGES MESSAGE NO. Message Copied. Unable to copy message. Enter Command: [ >>>> MESSAGE THREAD MENU <<<< .......... Start Of Thread ............. Forward Read ............ Backward Read ...... Exit Message Thread Current MESSAGE CONFERENCE is # "'Delete the original message now? [Y/n] Export to isk or

rinter? Writing MSG Exported from DATE..... : TO....... : FROM..... : SUBJECT.. : -, the end of message thread has been reached.0, there are no messages in thread past message # Returning to starting point.3, the beginning of message thread has been reached.,, there are no more messages in conference #&, you have no messages in conference #+, that is all your messages in conference #U >>>>> READ MESSAGES MENU <<<<< ... This Message Conference ... All Message Conferences ... Only Queued Conferences ...................... Quit Current MESSAGE CONFERENCE is # " READ MESSAGES MENU - [T A O Q]? TAOQ,, you have read all messages in conference #U You are not allowed to pack the(message base while other nodes are busy. Pack message base? [Y/n] Working! Please stand by... /OLD= /POT /POU SFMSGPCK.BAT COMSPEC a q e o t !"!/!7!a!v! )5)[)m)r)w) *0*:*D*I*p* +1+D+[+o+ +!,N,],m, -7-H-W-g- .&.5.:.L.Q.`. .+/V/ 0E0x0 1&1L1\1w1|1 2#242C2Z2o2y2 3/3:3B3W3h3s3 4$5>5O5^5c5t5 6#6(6:6?6 7U7m7 8&8A8 9$979<9F9N9c9y9 :&:6:g:n:}: ;(;-; ;?s>}> ?1?BCBfBpBuB C%C*C D'D,D>D]D E8EBELEQEzE F*F:F?FLFQF[FcFrFwF G*G@GEGLGQGVGqGyG H'HMHRHYH^HcH~H I)I4IBI`IjIxI J$J.J9J>JLJ K#K1K@KOKWKjK L=LOLTLdL L0MMMWM`MyM MENRNwN O'O/OAOlOzO P5PAPJPqP Q"Q,Q1Q6Q R4R@RIRwR S.S8SJSOSYS^ScS U/UEUJURU]UmU{U U7XaXkXxX Y"Y2YnPnUn_ndnxn n&o-o2oVo[o pDpNphprpwp r7rtr rPsUspsus u-u2uxOxTx^xcx y(y8yLyQy[yeyoyty~y z.z3zaz {3{N{g| }$}<}P}`}j}{} ~ ~@~K~b~r~|~ %Would you like to enter a comment to ? [Y/n] U SFONFAIL Access Denied.&Sorry, you are going to be logged off.U One more try. Enter your password: Incorrect attempt, Access Denied. LOCKOUT', you have been locked out of this BBS. LOCKOUT.BBS JOKER.DATU SFPRELOG Your Sysop is - Node - 'Do you want ANSI COLOR GRAPHICS? [y/N] WELCOME1 One more try. Enter your first name: Enter your last name: SFMAINT+A maintenance operation is being performed.$Please try again in a few minutes... CALLERS.TMP Searching for , please stand by... PRIVATE PRIVATE.BBS*, this BBS is configured as a PRIVATE BBS.# is already logged on another node. Unable to find ....*e-Enter Name, ew Caller, oodbye? EVENTIME SFNOTIME*, you have exceeded your daily time limit. TOOMANY4, you have been exceeded your daily amount of calls.U Good morning, afternoon, evening, , welcome back. You are caller number There have been files uploaded today. files downloaded today. You last called on other callers today. There has been other caller today. You have called other time today. This is your first call today. times. You are allowed minutes per day. minutes on your first day. You have minutes left today. minutes this call. callers access this BBS. Your security level is SFLOGON.BAT SFSEC SFBDAY0, you were denied access to this BBS during your last attempt ( ) to log on for failing to know9your correct password or birth date. If you suspect that:someone else was using your name, please notify the Sysop. THOUGHTS.BBS , please consider this... ALL.* SFNOD SFREMINDU SFNEWU.QUE SFNEWU.REP SFORDER %, the appropriate file was not found.,Your Sysop has been notified of the problem. SFMQDONE*, you have already answered this question. SFNEWU.TMP using Node Question not answered. MM-DD-YY [y/n] SFORDER.MNU SEC<= SEC>= ,ONETIME ,PRINT SFORD(>>>>>>> ORDER/QUESTIONNAIRE MENU <<<<<<< ........ Quit To Main Menu ........ Goodbye & Log Off ENTER COMMAND: [ Q G]? R3 Ascii <2> Xmodem Checksum <3> Xmodem CRC <4> 1K-Xmodem <5> SEAlink Derived Telink Select at time of transfer5Enter the protocol of your choice - [1 2 3 4 5 T S]? 12345TSU -, you can select a file transfer protocol now0which will automatically be utilized during your2uploads and downloads or you can manually select a+protocol during your uploads and downloads.>>>>> JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION <<<<<< Your Name : Security Level : Last Time On : Number Of Times On : Birth Date : Times On Today : Files Uploaded : Files Downloaded : K Uploaded : K Downloaded : Original Log On : Unknown Subscription Date : Node Chats Left : Messages Entered : '>>>>>>>> THINGS YOU CAN CHANGE <<<<<<<< Address : Hot Key : <#> Phone Number : Display Size : Scroll Prompt : ANSI On/Off : File Transfer : Select at time of transfer Ascii Xmodem Checksum Xmodem CRC 1K-Xmodem SEAlink Derived Telink More Prompt :

Password : Change Color : ,CHANGE MENU - [W S # H C A D M P F uit]? WSDHCPQ#MFA +Enter ANSI foreground color code [31..36]: !Enter new line length [40..144]: Enter new page length [10..24]: , hot key stroke is now turned , color/ANSI is now turned [00;40m(, color/ANSI is not presently available.1, the ontinue prompt scrollback is now turned &, the ontinue prompt is now turned >~.-u - > C L W g q !2!H!^!p!u! "7"<"A"T"v" #+$5$:$N$d$o$t$ %"%9%>%Q%m% &#&(&?&D&r&w& '&'+'5'D'Z'e'j' ()(8(N(p( ( )H)W) *&*5*H*R*]*l* +++5+@+O+b+l+w+ ,R,j,t, - -0-:-B-Q-i- ...J.O.o.t.~. / /5/:/K/r/|/ 0-0@0J0U0d0z0 1)1I1P1_1y1 2F3P3X3j3 424=4B4G4V4f4 5H5k5x5 6?6L6[6k6 757D7T7e7j7o7 8)8.8i8 : :0: ;";+;0; <&<0<52><>J>Y>k> ?*?>?O?Z?_?g?q? @1@<@F@K@`@{@ A9A>A^AcA B0B5B:BMBiB D)D6DED GIGSGXG`G H,H6H;H@HEH I(I2IMTMfMxM S*S4S9SRScShSmS}S T'T:T?TDT]TpTuTzT U#U=U`UmUrU V1V6VBVNV^VhVmV W%W/WAWRWcWtW X&X:X?XDXNX[XjXoX}X Y*Y8YiY{Y Z'Z/ZFZKZaZkZyZ [H[\[a[u[z[ \ \(\?\D\Z\d\r\ Wildcards are not allowed here. Invalid use of wildcard feature. CLOCK$ , that is not a valid filename.U (NC)U DESCRIPTION: bytes to send blocks. Approximate Transfer Time: (, not enough time left for the download.U Ready to receive via for Sysop only DESCRIPTION: Waiting for start... Press CTRL+X to abort. File: Blks Expected... : Block Number.... : 0 Consec Errors... : 0 Total Errors.... : 0 Last Msg: Extending Handshake To Abort.U >!9\u File: File: Null File Total Blocks...... : Current Block..... : 0 Consecutive Errors : 0 Total Errors...... : 0 Blocks Remaining.. : Transferred....... : 0 Last Msg: Awaiting Handshake SEAlink SEAlink Batch CTRL+X To Abort To AbortU Xmodem (Checksum) Xmodem (CRC) 1K-Xmodem Ymodem Batch SEAlink Derived SEAlink Derived Batch 1K-Xmodem-g Ymodem-g Batch TelinkU )File Transfer Protocols Available To You. <1> Ascii <2> Xmodem Checksum <3> Xmodem CRC <4> 1K-Xmodem <5> SEAlink Derived <6> 1K-Xmodem-g <6> Ymodem Batch <7> SEAlink Derived Batch <8> 1K-Xmodem-g <9> Ymodem-g Batch SFEXTDN.BBS SFEXTUP.BBS BATCH USEFILE BI-DIRECTIONAL 123456789QT Telink Quit Select a transfer protocol: an error has occurred. Please try your upload later. Ready to receive via ASCII.*You have 60 seconds to start the transfer. Press CTRL+X to abort transfer Number of bytes received: Time Out. was successfully transferred.U File: Press to abort Press Ctrl+X to abort Press Ctrl+S to pause Press < ENTER > when ready. Number of bytes sent: NAK not received.U SPITFIRE U SPITFIRE U :` v %Enter the name of text file to read: .PAK# doesn't appear to be a ASCII file. Sorry, was not found.U Log off after transfer? [Y/n] Transmitting batch queue. file(s) to be sent totaling bytes.U File Name(s) ........ File Size .. Queued ..... Short Description ..... . NoU $top, Tag File(s) For Use >>> Private File Waiting <<<< ownload bytes. emove kip PRIVATE FILE MENU - [D R S]? #Wildcards allowed. Example: SF33*.* Enter filename to search for: *.*4, that application of wildcards is not allowed here.#his Area ll Areas uit? Searching File Area # SFFAREA.DAT was not found.U Your last check was on 2Since MM-DD-YY or < ENTER > for since last check: U $his Area ll Areas uit? Searching File Area # SFFAREA.DAT %>>>>>>>>>> FILE STATISTICS <<<<<<<<<< new file(s) since A total of downloadable file(s). downloadable bytes.U FILST SFFAREA.DAT FILE AREAS AVAILABLE TO YOU. File Area # SFFAREA.DATU 3Enter File Area number, < ENTER > to list, uit? , you are already in File Area # SFFILE List File Area # - " "? [Y/n] /, there is only one file area available to you.U Searching File Area # -6 key word maximum. Example: SF;SPITFIRE;v3.3 Enter Key Word(s): "his Area ll Areas uit? SFFAREA.DATU SFFAREA.DATU SFNOUP.DAT is not allowed to be uploaded.U SFFAREA.DAT was found. Do you still wish to upload ? [y/N] U , you have uploaded file(s) and downloaded file(s). You have downloaded file today. , you are allowed more download(s) today.4 Security level changed per U/D ratio breech. SFRATIO-, your upload/download ratio is unacceptable.U DLMT5, you have exceeded your daily download amount limit. It appears is corrupted. Your Sysop has been notified. Enter name of file to view: Sorry, was not found.)An error has occurred. Operation aborted. Viewing the contents of ; Length Method Size Ratio Date Time NameC------------------------------------------------------------------- Stored Shrunk Reduce-1 Reduce-2 Reduce-3 Reduce-4 Imploded Deflated Unknown file(s) total bytes, compressed to bytes at %.+Sorry, the file MUST have a .ZIP extension.U Unable to perform operation on Operation aborted.U SFFILES.BBS SFFILES.$$$ Removed from SFFILES.BBS. Successfully erased Unable to erase Unable to find SFBATCHD.DAT Erase tagged files? [Y/n] Enter name of file to move: erase: 5Move to File Area number, < ENTER > to list, uit? Moving already exists in File Area # Success! Are you sure you want to erase ? [y/N] to SFNOUP.DAT? [y/N] SFNOUP.DATU was successfully transferred. Transfer rate was cps. , you have been compensated minutes for a minute upload.8 Security level changed per U/D ratio correction.U is a zero byte file.2, you are not allowed to download from File Area #U SFDOWN/Enter a \ after filename for automatic log off. EXAMPLE: file.ext\ Enter name of file to download: not found in File Area # Search other File Areas? [Y/n] Searching other File Areas.U Adding File Number ... < ENTER > To Quit/, you do not have enough time left to download Too many files in queue. Unable to add to queue. added to batch queue. Total Batch File(s): !Total Approximate Transfer Time: \ Start batch transfer now? [Y/n] , your batch queue is full.U #>>> Automatic Log Off Scheduled <<< ... Abort Automatic Log Off ......... Goodbye & Log Off$Approximately 20 seconds to respond. Thank you for calling, U R3>>> IMPORT/EXPORT MENU <<<< Current FREE FILE AREA is # IMPORT/EXPORT MENU IERTFLCQG NOSPACE), disk space currently prohibits uploads.U ( 7 M [ b q !'!,!6!@!E!V!t!y!~! 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DOOR.SYS COM0: 12-31-99 H, t# SFDOORS.DAT0, your time remaining does not allow door usage.U Presently Unavailable SFDOOR.MNU SEC<= SEC>= SFDORBUL.BBS Doors have been used time today. >>>>>>>>> DOOR MENU <<<<<<<<< Currently Inactive Unavailable ........... Door Bulletins ..................... Quit ........ Goodbye & Log Off DOOR MENU - [ BULLETINU BULLETIN.CLR BULLETIN.BBS There are no bulletins today. Bulletin <#>, ist Bulletins, ew Bulletins, < ENTER > to Main Menu? BULLET Bulletin # WELCOME1U WELCOMEU SFNWSLTR.CLR SFNWSLTR.BBS The newsletter has been updated!#Would you like to review it? [Y/n] SFNWSLTRU SF2SLOW Sorry, " requires a baud rate of at least Access Denied. SF2SLOW.BBS >>>>>>><<<<<<< >>>>>>><<<<<<< >>>>>>><<<<<<< >>>>>>><<<<<<< >>>>>>><<<<<<< >>>>>>><<<<<<>>>>>><<<<<<< Press HOME Key For Help >>>>>>><<<<<<< [ PAGE ON ] [ PAGE OFF ] [ PRINT ON ] [ PRINT OFF ]U $>>>>>>>> System Information <<<<<<<< Your Sysop is This BBS began on There has been a total of calls. There have been call today. callers access this BBS. You are logged on node U last called on "Unable to make satisfactory match.U SFUSERS.PTR Searching for , please stand by... Are you looking for ? [Y/n] %Continuing search, please stand by...U Enter full or partial name: U (Are you SURE you want to log off [Y/n]? You were logged on minutes. minute. You have minutes remaining today.!You have no time remaining today. GOODBYE Thank you for calling, GOODBYE.BBSU # is distributed under the sharewareG concept. SPITFIRE can be utilized on a trial basis for not more thanH thirty (30) days. In the event this software is used beyond the trialK period, then the registration fee is required. You are free to distributeK SPITFIRE provided it remains in its original, unmodified condition and no fee is charged.H As you are well aware, bulletin board software does not appeal toH a mass market so it is vital to register your copy of SPITFIRE. It isJ simple for you to register your copy of SPITFIRE. Simply mail $85.00 inI U.S. funds (add $10.00 shipping & handling if outside of North America)D and a completed registration form to the address shown below. YourG registration fee will provide you with a license to operate SPITFIRE.- 913 - 39th Street7 West Des Moines, Iowa 50265B Call Buffalo Creek's BBS at (515) 225-8496 for support. Thank you for using SPITFIRE.U LRSPU ERRORU CALLERS.TMP CALLERS.LOG SFINIT.BAT COMSPEC SFINIT.BAT Pre-Init String Failure( Your modem is not properly responding.! Do you wish to continue? [y/n] BADINIT.BAT. SPITFIRE continuing without proper response. [ PAGE ON ] [ PAGE OFF ]U [ PRINT ON ] [ PRINT OFF ]U Full screen is now active. Divided screen is now active.U MAXUSERS , the Sysop allows callers. Sorry, there are already -Please try again at a later date...thank you.U HEYSYSOP.LOG has been updated Today's Statistics Total Number Of Callers.. : Total Calls Today........ : Total Uploads Today...... : Total Downloads Today.... : Total Messages Today..... : Total Door Usage Today... : 0 Press your favorite key to continue.U FILE MENU HELP...U MAIN MENU HELP...U MESSAGE MENU HELP...U SFDOORS.DAT SFMAIN.BAT SFMAIN.DAT SFMAIN SFFILE.BAT SFFILE.DAT SFFILE SFMESS.BAT SFMESS.DAT SFMESS SFLOGON.BAT SFSEC LAKOTA /C /UNUM= /OLD= COMSPEC ( - 2 D I N ` e j | % 7 < A U Z _ s x } !4!9!>!T!Y!^!q!v!{! 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